Sign Video

Sign Language Support

Empowering communication
through video interpreting services

Connect to a SignVideo BSL interpreter

Whether you require assistance with product support, arranging a repair, or seeking purchase advice, connect with a registered British Sign Language (BSL) interpreter alongside our Customer Care team.

Connect with a SignVideo BSL interpreter and our Customer Care team for live assistance via video call.

sign video


Here are two ways you can use SignVideo:

SignVideo App: Download the SignVideo app. Please see for more information. When you open the app, you will see the SignDirectory. Scroll through the SignDirectory to find the service you want to call. Click on the button for your chosen service and a SignVideo interpreter will appear on your screen to interpret your conversation.

SignVideo Web: Click on the button on the page to call the service you want to reach. A SignVideo interpreter will appear on your screen to interpret your conversation.

To use SignVideo, you will need three things as minimum requirements:

  1. Device: They can be the following:
    • Window PC app
    • Apple Macs app
    • iOS app
    • Android app
    • SignVideo Web
  2. Webcam: They can be plugged in or built in.
  3. Good internet connection: For the best experience with SignVideo, we advise having a minimum 2mbps upload and download internet speed. Your internet connection can be any of the following:
    • 3G,4G,5G mobile network
    • Plugged in Broadband/ethernet
    • WiFi
    With these three requirements met, you will be able to connect to the registered BSL interpreter easily.

To resolve any issues you may have, please check SignVideo's FAQs page:

Alternatively, email SignVideo's technical support team directly at [email protected]