Brits reinvent modern day family values
Family values are alive and well in Britain today with table manners, respecting your elders and being honest and truthful, emerging as the most important principles that we now abide by. And according to our new research, social media shutdowns have also now found their way into the modern family home.
Our study of 1,500 young parents, has looked into the moral and practical guidelines set by British families today and revealed a host of ‘old fashioned’ values which are still very relevant.
According to 76 percent of British adults, table manners are the most important value that we can teach our children, followed by being honest and truthful (73 percent) and respecting your elders (69 percent). Regular quality time together (49 percent) such as eating together also made the cut.
But while 69 percent said that the values they grew up with as a child still resonate today – a further 75 percent claim they have created a ‘new set’ of family values which fit with modern life, as well as complementing those that they were raised with themselves.
Modern day family values include the importance of recycling (53 percent), the importance of healthy eating (48 percent), no iPads or iPhones at the dinner table (46 percent) and respecting other religions and cultures (44 percent).
25 Modern Day British Family Values
2. Being honest and truthful - 73 percent
3. Respecting your elders - 69 percent
4. Not talking with your mouth full - 66 percent
5. Standing up for those you love - 64 percent
6. Remembering your Ps and Qs - 59 percent
7. Washing your hands before dinner - 58 percent
8. Everyone helping with family chores - 58 percent
9. The importance of recycling - 53 percent
10. Regular quality time with all the family - 49 percent
11. The importance of healthy eating - 48 percent
12. No iPads or iPhones at the dinner table - 46 percent
13. Respecting other religions and cultures - 44 percent
14. Being a team player - 43 percent
15. Always eating Sunday lunch together - 43 percent
16. Always looking someone in the eye when meeting them - 40 percent
17. Thank you emails for birthdays and Christmases - 38 percent
18. Children should ask to leave the table - 36 percent
19. Equal childcare from both parents - 36 percent
20. Equal distribution of chores between both parents - 31 percent
21. No fighting over the remote control - 29 percent
22. Having a firm handshake - 26 percent
23. Not snooping on someone else’s Facebook account - 25 percent
24. Keeping in touch with relatives via FaceTime and Skype - 17 percent
25. Open phone policies for partners and parents - 15 percent