Keeping your fridge at the correct temperature is the best way to ensure your food is kept fresher for longer. Refrigerating food slows down the growth of bacteria and micro-organisms. When the temperature of a fridge is too high, harmful bacteria and micro-organisms can start to grow at an increased rate, causing illness if consumed and reducing the quality of your groceries.
The optimal temperature for a fridge is 5°C. By keeping your refrigerator at this temperature, you can ensure that your food is kept fresh and hygienic. In this handy guide, we have detailed the most common reasons why your fridge may be too warm.
If your Beko fridge has recently been filled or if the door has been open for an extended period of time, it may take a few hours to get back to the right temperature. However, if you notice that your fridge is not cold, it is important to locate the issue. There are a number of simple reasons why your fridge may be too cold:
If you have tried to resolve the issue with the above steps but your refrigerator is still not cold, please contact our customer service team. There may be an issue with your appliance’s compressor, evaporator fan or condenser coils/fan. We do not recommend that you try to repair the appliance yourself. If you are concerned about your appliance and experiencing issues with your fridge, please contact Beko’s Customer Service at 0333 207 9710 for assistance.
If you are looking for more information about fridge temperature, check out our detailed what temperature should a fridge be guide. Alternatively, if you are finding that your refrigerator’s internal temperature is too low, read our guide on why your fridge is too cold.
For more general information, explore our in-depth refrigeration how to guide. If any issues with your fridge persist, please contact Beko’s Customer Service at 0333 207 9710 for assistance. Our expert support team will be more than happy to assist and organise technical assistance for you.
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